Saturday, September 2, 2017

My gloomy 'long weekend'

Isha: Gimana fa? Jadi ga nih?
(Suara di seberang sana sepertinya sudah bosan dengan segala alasan yang akan meluncur dari mulutku 'fanya'). Hmm, gw tau pasti alesan lo itu2 lagi, yauda deh gausah. Makasih ya. Tiit tiit tiit terdengar sambungan telepon terputus.

Gw Fanya gadis berusia 26tahun yg lagi mikir ttg kehidupan gw dimasa yg akan datang. Yaa, diusia gw yg sudah lbh dari seperempat abad ini, gw blm mapan (jdi seorang editor part time di sebuah publishing) dan yg bikin nyokap uring2an adalah karna gw belum punya calon bwt nerusin garis keturunan keluarga gw. Well fix, hidup gue flat. 😴😴😴

Hari2 gw lewatin dg aktifitas yg sama, bangun, kerja, pulang, tidur begitu seterusnya. Kerjapun kdg gw lakuin dirumah, yaa krna status gw yg cuma sbgai editor part time. Satu2nya sahabat yg seeing ngajak gw jalan adalah isha, saben weekend dia yg rajin ngajak gw ke cafe lah, kopdar lah sama cem2an doi. Dengan kata lain gw hanya sbg kambing congek alias obat nyamuk alias pelengkap. (Lengkap sudah hidup ini). Isha bilang klo hidupku berubah ketika gw jatuh cinta, apa itu jatuh cinta? Rasa2nya lama ga mendengar kata2 itu, kata isha pula, gw harus move on. Pertanyaannya, move on dari siapa? 😒
Isha sahabat gw dari kuliah dulu emg tw segalanya deh, dari unrequited love gw ketika itu, membuat gw menjauhkan kata 'jatuh cinta' dari hidup gw. Masa lalu, biarlah masa lalu ~ eh malah nyanyi. Jadi, dulu ceritanya gw suka sama Kk tingkat gw yg tak lain dan tak bukan adalah presiden bem fakultas gw, fakultas ilmu komunikasi.

Singkat cerita, dia tw kalau gw naksir sama dya dari isha, tetiba dia deketin gw, ngomong suka sama gw, siapa coba yg ga ngerasa bahagia? Serasa melayang2 di udara dah. Eh suatu ketika gw sama isha mergokin doi lagi jalan sama cewe sexy, hmm ternyata itu cewe nya, oke fix ternyata kemarin dia deketin gw gara2 dia lagi break sama tuh cewe. Semenjak itu, hidup gw jadi flat, seperti Semarang ini, long weekend brook, dimana para muda mudi sudah mengagendakan itinerary mereka. Sedangkan gw disuruh nganter nyak kondangan, anak temennya ada yg nikah Katanya, sesampai disana gw dipaksa bwt ikt turun dan bergabung dg mak2 rempong, sudah kuduga, pertanyaan sadis itupun meluncur deras tanpa tedeng aling2 dari para mak2, 'udah nikah belom? Punya anak berapa? Lho mana suaminya?. Gw tak bergeming, dan nyak gw yg bales in pertanyaan mereka atu2, jawabannya adalah, 'anakku yg geulis ini, lgi ngejar karir jeng, maklum dia kn wanita karir, calonnya juga lagi kejar S2'. Alamak, ngarang cerita apalagi ini. Akhirnya dg berat hati gw ninggalin nyak gw dan nunggu di parkiran gedung. Belum selesai, malem2 si isha nelepon, minta ditemenin kopdar sama cowo yg baru dikenal lewat tinder (dating app) yg ngakunya pilot. 😅
Gw oke2in aja malem itu. Karena gw udh ngantuk. Titik.

Paginya gw disuruh nyak belanja di pasar deket rumah, lagi belanja kangkung tiba2 ada suara nyaring memanggil nama gw 'fanyaaaaaaaaaaaa' gw pun memalingkan wajah manis gw kearah sumber suara. Etdahh, si Cindy temen SMA gw dulu. Muuach2, masih terpaku mata ini liat yg ada dgendongannya, dia sudah mendaratkan ciuman d kedua pipiku. Ohhh Cindy, kataku. Hei Fanya apakabar sih lo, ga pernah denger kabar lo, katanya lo udh nikah ya? Kok ga ngundang2 gw sih, trs2 anak lo udh brpa? - Oh pls gw msh ting2, knpa dia bisa mendengar gosip2 murahan itu. Gw pun bayar kangkung ke mang sayur dan lgsg menjawab pertanyaan dia, 'kata siapa gw udh nikah? Nnti kalau aku nikah pasti aku undang kok. Tiba2 sepi. Cindy pun hanya mengangguk2an kepala tanda iya2 aja, haha. Gw pun mengalihkan topik, kearah gendongan itu, anaknya udh berumur 1,5 tahun katanya. Selamaatt ya udh punya baby, kata gw. Gw tw cindy dulu adalah wanita rebutan dikelas 12 dulu. Dan dengar2 dia nikah sama org yg dijodohin sama ortunya, makanya dia gamau ngundang2 temennya Karna malu katanya.

Sepanjang perjalanan kerumah, gw mikirin masa depan gw, mulai dari pekerjaan yg sebenernya gw ga suka - apalagi pekerjaan part time dimana gw butuh bgt kerja full time, ditambah lagi kehidupan Asmara gw, ah sudahlah. Kriiingggg telepon pun berdering, wajah isha terpampang nyata di layar HP. Ahh males ah, kata gw dlm hati. Sesampai dirumah gw ksih belanja ke nyak dan mendaratkan badan gw ke kasur empuk. Lagi2, Isha Mongol di layar dg berat hati gw jawab teleponnya. Daaann dia ngajak gw kopdar dg cowo yg katanya pilot tadi, gw ga ada semangat bwt jadi obat nyamuk. Sebelum gw paparkan alesan2, ternyata dia udh tauu.. Hahahaha. Selamatlahh, happy long weekend every one 😅

Sunday, April 16, 2017

After Singapore Open 2017

Here I'm coming back, setelah mengumpulkan niat utk menulis, dg kata2 ajaibku sendiri 'write what you love and write what you want' akhirny coba bwt memulai nulis ttg apa yg aku suka.
Yupz, that's completely right 'Badminton'.
Udh menjadi rahasia umum klo aku ini menggilai bulu tangkis sejak kecil, kira2 skitar umur 8/9 lah ya. Jadi jangan heran kalau nanti aku bakal nulis all about Badminton, semoga bisa mengalahkan rasa malasku 😢
Dan selain badminton yg memang cabang olahraga yg aku cintai, sebenernya pengen juga review2 produk kosmetik yg udh prnah aku pakai (lagi2 jika tdk malas dan banyak spare time).
Ok, kembali ke topik awal nih, mau sedikit mengulas Singapore open taun ini. Diselenggarakan di Singapore indoor stadium, dari babak kualifikasi udah terlihat ramai penontonnya loh, I guess they are Indonesian people 😅
Gimana ga, Karena orang2 Indonesia di luar negeri itu memiliki rasa nasionalisme yg lbh tinggi, ditambah pula badminton adalah olahraga yg paling bisa dibanggakan dan olahraga yg merakyat lah pkonya. Sampai2 banyak juga org Indonesia yg dg sengaja terbang utk mendukung secara langsung atlet2 yg sedang bertanding. But it's too bad because no Indonesian representative in the final today, 3 wakil Ina di babak SF kemarin harus mengakui keunggulan lawan2nya. Berry/hardi kalah lawan Li/Liu (China), kevin/sinyo a.k.a #minions kalah lawan duo veteran Denmark Boe/Mog, dan ginting kalah lawan srikanth dari India. Utk berry/hardi merupakan pencapaian yg bagus sudah bisa menembus SF, utk minions, hmm mungkin Karena kecapaian setelah hat trick kali ya, tapi gpp still proud of your achievement both 😚 kalau si ginting blm bisa mengeluarkan permainan terbaik sih ya, masih banyak mati2 sendiri. Well, yg lalu biarlah berlalu, Karena hari ini final pun sudah selesai 😀
Alhamdulillah, be grateful bget karena Kompas TV now is house of badminton, jdi hampir setiap international match akan disiarkan di kompas ya, though di rumah kompasnya bersemut ,thug life memang but should be blessed right?
Dimulai dari match XD Thai vs CHN, sebenarnya dukung Thai bwt jadi juara tapi hasilnya Lu Kai/Yaqiong jawaranya, udh dpt 3 title SS ajanih mereka. Lanjut ke WD antara JPN vs DEN, hmm dipartai ini I was sleeping and when I woke up, the DEN pairs are the champion (rubber juga ini-lupa score nya), abs tuh ada perang saudara antara srikanth vs praneeth yg dimenangkan praneeth, nah stlh ini nihh gokilll abs WS ranking 1 vs 2 TTY vs Marin, sebenernya lbh dukung Marin Karena kasian blm dpt gelar pasca gold medal Olympic, tpi TTY masih dengan permainan cantiknya berhasil menghempaskan sang pemenang olimpiade 2 game langsung kuyy. Match terakhir ada duo menara dari CHN vs Om Om Danish, yg ngalahin minions kemarin hiks, dengan segudang pengalaman dan kesabaram the danish pairs akhirnya mereka berhasil menyabet gelar SS ke 14 nya. Congrats to all the winners, may for the next tournaments Indonesia will be champions cheer up and fighting ☺☺

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Di Persimpangan jalan

Pernahkah kau dihadapkan pada pilihan yg sulit?
Pernahkah kau merasa bingung saat berusaha mengambil keputusan?
Tak usah terkejut, bahwasanya itulah hal wajar yg dialami setiap insan yg bernyawa.
Bayangkan bila dihadapanmu terdapat persimpangan jalan, kau memandang lama
Berpikir keras jalan mana yg sebenarnya bisa membawamu ke jalan yg benar.
Merenung, melihat lagi jalan itu.
Ahhh sepertinya kau mulai berputus asa.
Kanan atau Kiri?
Kau mengira jalan disebelah kanan itu adalah jalan yg benar, namun setelah kau menapaki jalan itu, didepan ada banyak sekali halangan dan rintangan yg harus kau lewati.
Kau menyerah? Atau menyesal Karena memilih jalan itu?
Kau berpikir untuk kembali dan mengambil jalan disebelah Kirimu taxi.
Tapi kau berpikir ulang, bagaimana jika jalan disebelah Kiri tadi memiliki rintangan yang lebih sulit? Dan akhirnya kaupun memutuskan untuk menghadapi semua rintangan didepan.
Meskipun pilihan itu sulit bagimu, kau tetap harus memilih. Pilihan terbaik ada dibenakmu, namun jangan lupa until menyerahkan segalanya pada sang Pencipta. Life is a choice, you have to be brave to define your decision, let yourself choose the best version of you yeah you. Don't be scared of obstacles, life is hard, life is struggle. Keep moving forward, dude 🙏

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Hidup & Kehidupan

Orang yang hidup memiliki kehidupannya masing2.
Tak usah kau Tanya seperti apa kehidupan mereka?
Karena satu yang pasti, hidup tak akan berjalan mudah.
Lika-liku? Pasang-surut?
Kehidupan bagai roda yang berputar, kadang diatas Dan kadang dibawah.
Hidup itu perjuangan, mengatasnamakan dunia & akhirat.
Kenapa dunia? Karena Sekarang kita hidup di dunia yang membutuhkan mental sekuat Baja untuk mengarungi samudera kehidupan.
Kenapa akhirat?
Karena pada akhirnya setelah kita hidup di funia yang fana ini, Ada kehidupan yang lebih keras, kehidupan yang kekal abadi.
Yaitu di alam akhirat. 😇😇😇😇

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Apa sajalah 😂😂😂

Tak terasa sudah 2 tahun aku meninggalkan blog ini. Mungkin klo diibaratkan sebuah rumah yg ditinggal penghuninya bakalan udh suwung bget kali yes.. Haha 😄 ga cman bersawang aja, tpi mgkin sudah ada penghuni yg lain, hayoo lohh 😱
Banyak momen2 berharga dlm hidupku yg sudah terlewati, mulai dari PPL, KKN, proposal, sidang skripsi, wisuda, jadi pengangguran selama 2 bulan, balada mencari kerja, training kerja di Karawang, jalan2 selama di Jawa Barat, balik lagi ke Jepara, sampai sekarang udh kerja hampir 6 bulan di tempat yg tiiiittt - I dunno how to say 🙅 tapi tenang, klo menikah blm kok. Msih ingin mewujudkan mimpi2 yg masih tertunda dlu, so, I pray it will become true for all of my dreams Aamiin 😇

Saturday, March 1, 2014


The school year runs from September to July and is divided into three terms (semesters).
a)     The autumn term (Fall) runs from September to Christmas.
b)     The Spring term runs from January to Easter.
c)      The Summer term runs from April to July.

The PHASES of education
Age Range
Pre-School Nurseries
Under 5
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools
11-16 or 11-18 (19)
Sixth Form Colleges
16-18 (19)
Further Education Colleges
Over 16
Special Schools

All children and young people between the age of 5 and 16 must get full-time education.    
Over 90 per cent of all school children attend state or public schools, and some others attend private or independent schools.

Ø  State/ public school -> by government, free-paying.
Ø  Independent/ private school -> by private and church, fee paying.
Children with special educational needs are educated in ordinary schools, wherever possible. Other children attend day and boarding special schools. Schools and colleges provide careers education and guidance through careers coordinators.

The National Curriculum defines four key stages, and ten statutory subjects:
1)     key stage 1 age 5-7 (infants)
2)     key stage 2 age 7-11 (juniors)
3)     key stage 3 age 11-14 (PRE-GCSE)
4)     key stage 4 age 14-16 (preparation for GCSE)
The three "core" subjects are English, mathematics and science and there are seven other "foundation" subjects - information technology, history, geography, music, art, physical education and modern foreign languages (in Wales Welsh is also a core or foundation subject).

Ø  The main qualification taken by secondary pupils at around the age of 16 is the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE).
Ø  The General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced (A) level is normally taken after other two years of study in two or three subjects.
Ø  The new type of vocational qualification, General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ), in which provide pupils an alternative to the more traditional GCEs and A levels.

Higher education
Higher education institutions include universities, teacher training colleges and other colleges of technology, art, and profession allied to medicine.

British universities can be divided into three groups:
1)     Oxford (1167) and Cambridge (1229).
2)     Redbrick universities.
3)     Universities opened in 20th century.

Students, who start to study at university, are called "undergraduates", and those who do not want to study at universities can be trained in some training courses (in nursing, secretaries, banking, accountancy, manufacturing or service industry).

Thursday, February 20, 2014

"The Family's Story"

One, two, three, four, five…  A kid counted and closed her eyes with her hand. Let me find you guys!” she said, after she opened her eyes. The kid started to find her friends, all of them were hiding. It was called ‘Hiding Games.
I walked slowly in the park, looked at them who was playing the game. It reminded me when I was in the same age. Always happy, that was the word I could say. No matter why, no matter what and no matter how.
That was in the evening, when I played with my sister ‘Paula’ and other friends. As usual before we played the game, we made a deal first (Hompimpa) to decide who would be the keeper. The result was I have to find them. One... two… three… four…five until ten… “Okay guys, I will find you one by one. Wherever you are I will look for you.” But, in fact no one I could find even though I had looked for them everywhere.
I was desperate and started to scream. “Hi, where are you all? I can’t find you.” Suddenly, when I was too far from my place that I had to keep, they came out and gathered in my place. They shouted, “You’re lost Michaela (with laughing aloud) and you have to be a keeper again.” I came to my place and mad, “No, I am not. All of you have been deceiving. I don’t like it and I will go home, now.” Paula got angry because my deceitfulness. “Michaela, you’re lost and you have to be a keeper again. You can’t avoid it!” I hated this situation, as my sister she should pleaded me, but this was the opposite, she wanted to blame me.
I don’t want to be a keeper anymore, if you want to replace me just do it. I want to go home, mom is waiting for me.” I answered to Paula.
“You can’t do this. You’re lost and you have to play once more.” She yelled at me and hold my hands. I cried and ran to my house. Arrived at my house, I ran into my mom’s cuddle. “Mom, Paula is really naughty.” I told to my mom.
“Oh My God, Paula… What is she doing until make her sister crying?” My mom went to the park an asked Paula to go home.
In my house......
“Paula, what did you do until Michaela cried? I said to you to keep your little sister. Why did you make her cried?” My mom blamed her.
Paula didn’t want to accept mom’s blaming. “It was not my fault, she cried because she is childish, you can’t blame me mom.”
”Paula, your sister is a real child.  She is still 5 years old, and you…. You’re elder than her. So, you have to give in to your sister. ” My mom gave explanation to Paula.
Paula decided to enter her room because she didn’t want to hear mom’s twaddle. Before she closed the door, she stared at me and I showed my tongue to her (sign of mocking). What had been happening in this evening was a usual situation. I, Michaela who was the last child in this family, always want to get more pay attention from my parents and more be indulged. Yeah, I won and I was laughing in my heart. I was happy to be me, myself.
In another day…..
It was a Saturday night and it meant, time to play anytime we wanted without thinking about study. My friend invited me to come to her house to play a Barbie doll together,
Michaela, because tonight is a Saturday night, come to my house and let’s play Barbie together.”  Then, I asked my mom to accompany me because her house is rather far from my house.
“Mom, I want to play Barbie doll with Stella. Please accompany me to her house; I will play there in the evening, maybe until night.” I was whimpering to my mom.
“My dear, mom is busy tonight.  Your daddy and I have to visit your dad’s friend in hospital. After that, we will go to family gathering in uncle’s house and it will take so long time. I will ask Paula to accompany you. Don’t worry, mom and dad will take you there and after we finished from the gathering, we will pick you up.”
“I don’t want Paula accompanies me. I hate her so much. She is naughty, mom.” I gave my excuse to my mom.
Don’t say like that, dear. Somehow, she is your only one sister and you have to love each other. If I ask your elder brother to accompany you, of course he will refuse it directly.” My mom gave explanation to me.
I just answered, “Ok.
When we arrived in Stella’s house, she was welcoming us by gave some drinks and snacks. After that, we played doll together in the living room. I brought my Barbie doll and Paula brought hers. Stella has a beautiful doll house, I took my doll in the large bedroom, because I think it was the luxurious room and Stella took her Barbie in living room, meanwhile Paula took her Barbie in the kitchen and acted she was cooking at that time. I changed my mind to be chef, I asked Paula to change her doll’s position.
Paula, I want to cook in the kitchen and acts like a chef. Please move your doll to another room.” I moved Paula’s doll to the bathroom.
“Michaela, you can’t do this. I haven’t finished cooking my dinner. You have to wait for me. After that you can use the kitchen.” Paula moved my doll back to the bedroom.
I was bad mood at that time; after we played up to an hour I was bored and want to go home. But, my sister forbad me and said, “Don’t go home now; we have to wait mom and dad who will pick us up. It is 9 p.m. and we can’t walk alone.
It’s okay, if you don’t want to go home with me. I will go home by myself. ” After Stella allowed me to go home, I went out from her house and used my shoes. Paula overtook after me and said, “I will accompany you if you want to go home right now.
When I want to said words to my sister, suddenly something bit me in my shoes.
Up t…, Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……… my foot. Something bit me in my shoes. ” I started to cry. Paula opened my shoes and saw a scorpion there. She took the scorpion out and checked my foot.
Are you okay? Let me see your foot. I think the poison has entered your body.” Paula looked at my foot.
Hikshikshiks..Mommy, mommy… I want to go home… ” I cried aloud and called my mom many times.
Ok, let’s go home. I will carry you on my back.” Paula carried me on her back and brought my shoes, finally we went home together. I still cried and hold my foot.
Arrived in our house, soon Paula called my mom and then she washed its bit wound. My parents came and give me a medicine. I went to my bedroom and when I want to sleep, my sister came and said. “Get well soon, my dear. We will play together as soon as possible.
I nod my head, sign of agreeing. I realized that actually she loves me, as a family we have to love each other no matter how. Because, only family who will sincere love me just the way I am. From that time, I promise to myself that I will love my sister, my brother and my parents. Even if, sometimes they did wrong and annoying, but I will always love them as long as I live. For me, ‘family is everything’. J

-----THE END-----